Thursday, July 31, 2008

July 30 2008

7;30 am

Grower monitoring

9;30 am

I am in field monitoring. Untangled eagle line was wrapped around pole.

Observed 15-20 robins, 8-12 finches, 12-15 starlings. Most were in north 1/4 of field.

Wind good, JK's active.

5;15 pm

I drove north end of field, stopped, worked on eagle JK pole which had slipped down (telescoping).

Observed 4 finches, 9 robins, and 2 starlings - again all in north end of field. Strangly quiet, compared to the last 48 hrs.

North-end squawker is still not operating.

Berries very ripe, increasingly vulnerable to dropping by light touch.


REMEMBER: The villain is the Starling. It is not the grower.

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